AAPI Mental Health

As an Asian American clinician,
I have a special interest in issues related to racial and ethnic identity.

Many people have been subjected to similar feelings, causing an increase in AAPI awareness and uniquely-tailored, cultural clinical sessions to better serve the community. As an Asian American, biracial therapist growing up in Hawaii, I endured my own share of microaggressions, which left me to unravel internalized feelings of shame and embarrassment related to my identity. These personal experiences have fueled me to advocate for AAPI mental health. As an active member of both the Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) and an Asian American therapist training group, I am committed to furthering cultural competency and undoing racism for the community. 

Being a part of the AAPI community is a true gift, and I hope to help provide a secure space where you can dissect the complexities that you have endured with your AAPI identity. Together, we will explore the complex intersection of mental health with race, ethnicity, and immigration through a plethora of approaches. Some clients choose to explore their intersectional identities directly through insight-oriented and identity- affirming work. For others, identity may serve as a framework to be interwoven into other issues and areas of interests. Above all, our sessions are a secure space where you will be heard and validated, alongside catered coping skills that will help you effectively unravel inner feelings of stress, guilt, or shame.